
During the past decade, we provided strategic advice and implementation services to over 150 technology-based start-ups. (Each year, our team has expanded its level of involvement with at least two of these start-ups, offering assistance in various aspects of business development). We provide market assessments, customer and distribution channel research, competitive analysis, strategies for market penetration and new business implementation services in order to augment the often-limited resources of a startup management team. We also offer outsource management services for the various marketing and business development issues facing a start-up operation. Our basic assumption is that a fledgling technology-based company faces the difficult challenge of raising funds for its seed stage. So we utilize our vast resources to provide evidence to potential investors of a real market need for the product or new technology. By presenting factual market data and often a commitment from a leading player in the market to join forces with the start-up, there is a greater likelihood of attracting investors and actually delivering the new technology or product to the marketplace. Innovative cooperative efforts between the start-up and the established company can be in the form of OEM agreements, joint venture product development, or joint marketing programs which can be implemented at any stage of the product development and may include input to the new product specifications, Beta site participation or initial product launching.